Myth of Jesus, page-1299

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    Hi Tonio,

    Thanks for your input and time out to give what you see.

    Now seriously, do You not think that I know of the consequences of tampering with God Word, I mean seriously?
    Can You imagine how you would feel, leading someone astray?
    The Peter verse, their NOT my words, their Greek, taken pretty much from where your Bible comes from, don't shoot the messenger = flesh.

    Jesus as I have shown over and over, which you ignore, was the Hidden Mystery IN The Almighty God and Father until the times were fulfilled and that my friend was NOT until Marry. (Don't you worry, I know full well how hard they seems).
    The Spirit context in this Peter verse is, they were in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Almighty God and Father, the SAME that we now have in the world so we need NO ONE to teach us = Key achievement due to God AND Jesus to cut OUT this nonsense once and for all = Chinese whisper and he said, she said rubbish.
    You need to get a hold of this FACT, but don't approach it like the waves of the ocean and I hope you know what that means?

    Coming up though, you "should" see (hopefully), Jesus has his own Spirit as at birth from Marry.
    So when you see some were in the Spirit of Jesus or had that in them, it was the future hope of the future one, "it" was there drive, hope, fuel in life that kept them going, the Rock that followed them after they died = Jesus.
    Abraham rejoiced of this future day. Future Spirit of Jesus.
    It would be like saying, if you took up what I'm saying, you would run with the Spirit of wotsup haha.

    Greek on the Eph;
    And to enlighten all, what the administration of the mystery, that has been hidden from ages in the God, who all things created, that might be known now to the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies, through the church the manifold wisdom of God; according to purpose of the ages, which he made in the Christ Jesus.

    purpose of the ages = Rev 13:8 - And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Mind and plans of God = Hidden Mystery).

    Rev 2:14 - And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; (Again, Jesus in the future context in the mind and plans of God).

    Col 1:15 -17 Greek - Who is the image of the God the invisible, firstborn of all creation;
    Because in him were created the things all things, in the heavens, and upon the earth;
    the visible, and the invisible; whether thrones, or lordships, or rulers, or authorities:
    the things all things because of, for the sake of him and for him have been created.

    And (because of the above) he is before all things, and the things all things in him hold together.

    Are you noticing the common theme and meanings here, firstborn of creation in the mind and plans of God, but the mystery and your creation starts out IN you.
    Image of = You can't be what your of and the reason he is the Image of, up until 30 odd years of age, he was led and taught by God just as Moses was told he would be. Then at Baptism, he received Spirit/Word without measure (God word is also Spirit).
    He needed this to finish the God and Fathers work, already started and that was, to get the word of life out there, the Key to the Book of John.
    So when and Not before receiving the Spirit/Word = John 5:26 For as the Father hath life in himself (His Spirit/word, John 1:4), so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.
    You are born again by the Almighty God and Fathers word.

    Hence another verse states, Jesus was the express image = All that Jesus expressed, Spirit/Word was the image of the God & Father, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father = simple's.
    Acts 2:22 tells us, the miracles that Jesus did were actually the God and Father doing them through him.

    Now because Jesus was going to leave, the Spirit/Word was going to go with him, Hence the Comforter = The Holy Spirit the Almighty God and Fathers Spirit as he is Spirit, the ONE Spirit.
    Now the Bible mentions the Spirit of Jesus, "this" is Not the Holy Spirit, the one Spirit, it is His own as he like man, Body, Soul, Spirit, image of what the Father foreknew we would be, image of.
    In God's mind and plans, He sees things as though done, when is fact there not.

    Gal 4:4 - Greek - When moreover come the fullness of the time, sent forth the Son of him, having become of woman, becoming under law, that those under law he might ransome, that the adoption we might receive.
    Because moreover ye are sons, sent forth the God the Spirit of the Son of him, into the hearts of us, crying, Abba! Father!
    So no longer you are a slave, but a son; if more over a son, also heir through God.

    Spirit of the Son, is Jesus's own personal Spirit which he received at Marry.
    So by having the Spirit of Jesus in you, means you accept all that he is and what he represents and surely I don't need to tell you that.

    Please tell me, Heb 1:1-2 Tells us in such simplistic terms, "in these LAST days" has spoken to us in His Son = WHAT do you NOT see and WHAT do you not believe = LAST days and NOT ever before?

    be very careful of mans corruption of the simplicity in Jesus = opposite is NOT of God.

    I sent Mr G a post or two, maybe you might find something?

    All the best, don't stop seeking.
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