Myth of Jesus, page-1300

  1. 913 Posts.
    1Pet 1:11
    Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

    Wotsup we can see the lengths you will go to deny the pre-existence of Christ.
    The verse above from your precious KJV clearly states that Jesus testified to the prophets about his sufferings in the future.
    But this is your translation of 1Pet 1:11 below

    1 Peter 1:11 Old Greek - Searching into or of what season/time, of the hidden mystery in Spirit, Messiah one testified before hand a child/descendant anointed one suffering and ???? after this, glory, the unspoken manifestation of God.
    (???? couldn't find it's meaning).

    Wotsup, after your tweating of the scriptures ,we can see what depths you will plump to deny that Jesus spoke to the prophets in the OT,
    you then go on to state

    and I noted, that after I had done this I checked the NWT, out of curiosity and it would seem, they are relatively on the same page

    Wotsup, here is the verse from MrGordon's NWT that you are on the same page with

    11 They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ+ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ+ and about the glory that would follow.

    Wotsup, clearly the NWT and yourself are denying that Christ is the Spirit that testified beforehand but if you look carefully below at
    the JW own Kingdom Interlinear Translation (KIT). It says at verse 11 that it is the Spirit of Christ

    Wotsup , you support the tweaking and tampering of scripture to support your own beliefs but here is another quote of yours

    So sad that we have these "little" tweaks, tampering with translations and although little, "they" paint an entire different picture.
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