try the coroners reports or lack of- or don’t you believe them...

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    try the coroners reports or lack of- or don’t you believe them either

    “The coroner's report into the death of Rhys Cauzzo was problematic and did not fully investigate the circumstances surrounding his suicide. Here are the key points:

    - Rhys Cauzzo took his own life in January 2017 after being pursued by Centrelink and debt collectors over a $17,000 robodebt notice.[1][2]

    - His mother, Jenny Miller, requested an inquest into his death, but the coroner ultimately declined to hold one.[2]

    - The royal commission revealed that the Department of Human Services withheld relevant documents from the coroner about Rhys' case, including that his debt was calculated illegally under robodebt.[2][3]

    - The department's chief counsel, Annette Musolino, queried withholding certain files from the coronial investigation because they contained details that could expose the truth about robodebt's unlawful actions against Rhys.[3]

    - Jenny Miller stated that the department "deliberately lied" and gave "false information" to the coroner about Rhys' situation in an attempt to cover up robodebt's wrongdoing.[1][3]

    So in summary, the coroner's report failed to properly investigate Rhys' death due to the department actively withholding key evidence and providing misleading information to prevent the truth about robodebt's illegal pursuit of Rhys from coming to light.[2][3]

    [1] Exposing robo-debt: Why Rhys Cauzzo's mother never gave up
    [2] 'Platitudes and false words': mother of robodebt victim who took own ...
    [3] Inside Robo-debt: The Mother - 7am Podcast
    [4] Robodebt royal commission welcomed by mum whose son, alleged ...
    [5] Robodebt's awful cost | The Monthly
    The coroner's report on Jarrad Madgwick's death provides the following key details:

    Jarrad Madgwick, aged 22, died by suicide on May 19, 2019, just weeks before his 23rd birthday. He had received a Centrelink debt notice for almost $2,000 under the unlawful Robodebt scheme hours before his death.[1][4]

    The Robodebt notice and threat of debt was a significant stressor that contributed to his impulsive decision to take his own life. His mother Kath Madgwick stated "If it were not for the Automated Compliance Letter & the threat of a debt ... my son would be sitting next to me today."[1]

    The coroner's report highlighted the lack of empathy shown by a senior bureaucrat who refused to acknowledge Robodebt's role in Jarrad's death, calling this "offensive" to the family.[1] The report was submitted as evidence to the Robodebt Royal Commission investigating the unlawful debt recovery scheme.[4][5]

    [1] Mothers whose sons took their lives after robodebts detail anguish in ...
    [2] When both their sons took their own lives after receiving Robodebt ...
    [3] [PDF] Report by the NSW State Coroner into deaths in custody
    [4] Exhibit 4-8071 - CTH.3007.0055.4864_R - Jarrad Carlo MADGWICK https://robodebt.royalcommission.go...-coronial-investigation-jarrad-carlo-madgwick
    [5] Day 46 − Hearing Block 4, 10 March 2023
    Last edited by pintohoo: 08/06/24
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