NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud, page-130

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    indonesian fires are started purposely to clear the land on palm plantations that have expanded to satisfy the greenie demand for biofuels...
    We have always had bushfires in Australia however they are recently made much worse by greenie stupidity like refusing to allow people living in bushfire areas to clear brush back from their houses...

    El Nino and La Nina have been going on for centuries and are part of our natural cycles of climate and weather...

    We are still emerging from the last Ice Age and so in what is called an interglacial period where it is natural that glaciers should recede somewhat and that their might be some variation in ice sheets...

    AGW hoaxers fool gullible simpletons with little or no science education and little of no intelligence with their corrupted and cherry-picked data fed into gigo computer models designed to give out a predetermined result and since massive government grants follow this deception, it is no surprise that we have a collection of demented AGW cultists and corrupt leftist media propaganda forever spinning their apocalytpic chicken-little stories of the sky about to fall...
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