middle east boiling pot gets hotter

  1. 22,691 Posts.
    Subject middle east boiling pot gets hotter.
    Posted 18/07/05 14:50 - 52 reads
    Posted by Sandalaphon
    Post #114490 - start of thread - splitview

    predicted several months back to watch for the time cycle from Sept 2005 - June 2006

    looks like it's right on time agian


    also the markets will continue powering up no matter what because the big boyz have included the Fear Factor Index.

    Terrorism will not affect the markets no more even in the event of a possible nuclear/bio/chem attack so don't worry about any market crash soon, because you may not here about it...lol

    i don't mean to be sarcastic either...ha

    This just in from a list I am on. Take it with a grain of salt...make of it what YOU will.


    Many people have asked me
    to warn them if I saw it coming down.
    I have always responded -
    that I thought it would be so sudden
    that there would be no chance.

    All the talk about the Internet
    having been designed
    to withstand nuclear attack
    is nonsense.

    Yes, it was -
    no it won´t.
    The public Internet
    is different from the
    military securenet.

    Nodal method of design -
    and all that -
    will mean nothing with EMP -
    even to my computer -
    and in the case of
    terrorist activity
    if the government thought
    that it could restrict them
    by the restricting the net
    it would
    and could
    close the Internet in a flash.

    So I don´t think I can send out info -
    as it happens.
    And not being a prophet -
    and not having visions -
    and no man knowing the hour -
    I, and no one, can say EXACTLY when.

    BUT, the possibility
    in the next thirty days
    is the highest that I have ever seen it -
    and that includes during
    the Cuban Missile Crises.

    Since I have gotten back from Wales -
    and have had time to analyze the news -
    all I can say is - Wow!
    What has happened in the last week!

    Before I left -
    I had said the middle of August -
    and that I expected certain things
    to occur.

    The magical days are
    August 13th to August 18th -
    but train time is anytime -
    and it can happen before -
    or after.

    As you know --
    I told you I was concerned
    about going to Wales
    with G-8 and all -
    and the only thing
    that could get me to go
    was my cause.
    Well - the angels saw us through
    that one.

    The events there
    did not set the
    world-wide Muslim Terrorists back
    with remorse
    one bit.
    Quite the opposite -
    it has added to their frenzy.

    Attacks in Iraq, Israel
    and elsewhere
    have greatly increased.
    This is something I did not expect.

    July 16, 2005
    From: Agence France-Presse

    TWELVE suicide bombers have blown themselves up in separate attacks in
    Baghdad and northern Iraq, killing at least 28 people and wounding more than

    The bombers, who struck over several hours, targetted (sic) Iraqi security
    forces and US soldiers.

    That was yesterday
    and now this news now -
    just at this moment -
    as I am writing this.

    AP - Sun Jul 17,11:01 AM ET
    MUSAYYIB, Iraq - New suicide bombings killed at least 22 people in the
    Baghdad area on Sunday, while relatives struggled to identify charred bodies
    from a fiery suicide attack near a Shiite mosque in Musayyib that killed
    more than 90 people.

    From Japan has come this news

    By KENJI HALL, Associated Press Writer
    Thu Jul 14, 9:14 AM ET

    TOKYO - Japan on Thursday approved a request by Teikoku Oil Co. to drill for
    natural gas in the East China Sea along a disputed sea border with China,
    prompting Beijing to warn about the possibility of worsening ties.

    There are many news articles
    on this subject saying
    that Japan / China relations
    have reached the lowest point
    in 30 years.
    This is something I did not expect.

    Meanwhile -
    from China -
    a Chinese General
    has told the US
    that China will use nuclear weapons
    against the US
    if the US intervenes
    when they settle Taiwan.

    I am not just making this stuff up,
    and it is not just one Chinese general
    blowing off steam.
    A special news conference was called
    with reporters from all over the world -
    to make the announcement.
    This is something I did not expect.

    You can read about it
    in the NY Times


    or here


    Also from yesterday´s news -
    from a Kurdish newspaper -


    Iranian President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinez had remarked that, "This is the
    dawn of a new Islamic revolution in the world." Ahmadinezhad’s election ends
    a period during which the Iranian religious leadership was forced to retreat
    in the face of the American storm let loose by September 11...

    That I told you about
    in my last newsletter
    but this Islamic incitement
    at this time -
    was something I did not expect.

    Meanwhile -
    from the Islamic / Middle East press


    16 July 2005
    TEHERAN - No incentive would make Iran drop its nuclear fuel programme, the
    spokesman for Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) said on

    that at least
    is something I expected.
    And it does add much
    to the final crises.

    So much, much happening
    in South America
    regarding nuclear alliances
    with Iran, North Korea,
    and elsewhere.

    So much, much happening
    in the Russian sphere.

    So much, much happening
    about troop movements.

    So much, much happening
    on the economic scene.

    All of the above subjects
    and many more
    have writers devoting full articles
    to them -
    and in ´normal times´
    each would be worthy of discussion here.

    BUT -
    this may be the final month -
    and I remain focused
    on what I think may well be
    the trigger event.

    The news yesterday:

    Palestinian insurgents have launched one of their biggest missile attacks
    since they agreed to a cooling-off period in the war against Israel in
    February 2005.

    More than 40 missiles and mortars have been fired toward Jewish communities
    in Israel and the Gaza Strip since Thursday evening.

    ..."There has been a worsening of the situation," Interior Minister Ofer
    Pinas-Paz said on Friday. "There´s no question that the ceasefire has

    ..."The evacuation will be carried out on its date," Chief of Staff Lt. Gen.
    Dan Halutz said on Wednesday. "There´s no reason to advance it."


    -------------- Then later---------
    23:05 Jul 16, ´05 / 9 Tammuz 5765


    Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz has informed senior commanders to prepare for a
    major anti-terrorist ground offensive in Gaza, adding they must prepare but
    await the go-ahead from the government.

    A military incursion into Palestinian Authority (PA) autonomous areas of
    Gaza is expected in response to ongoing shelling attacks aimed at Jewish
    communities of Gaza as well as inside southern Green Line Israel.


    ------------Then this afternoon--------
    In a newsletter
    sent as events happen
    from the reporter (David Nolan)
    that I consider the most accurate
    in Israel.
    To send you all that he says
    would put me way over
    my permitted word count.
    Therefore ellipses... and
    comments in {braces}.

    Tensions have risen to a fever pitch over the weekend in and around the
    volatile Gaza Strip, and in Judea and Samaria. Without exaggeration, I can
    testify that the situation is as explosive as I have ever seen in my nearly
    25 years living and reporting in Israel.

    {Most explosive - what I have been
    telling you for weeks to expect}

    Israeli armed forces continue to mass around the Gaza Strip today, poised to
    launch a major military operation at any moment amid a continuing barrage of
    Palestinian rocket attacks ... Well over 100 Kassam rockets—produced by the
    Iranian and Syrian-backed Hamas Islamic terrorist group,

    {So the Israeli response
    when it happens
    will be against Syria and Iran.
    Syria, Iran, the US and Russia
    all know that.
    The BIG QUESTION is -
    what will Russia do?
    Russia has vowed to protect Iran and Syria
    just as the US has vowed to protect
    Israel and Taiwan.)

    {You may not see the Taiwan connection -
    but it is there.
    China will move on Taiwan -
    and maybe North Korea on South Korea -
    when the situation gets busy elsewhere}.

    ... unprovoked Hamas attacks upon the Israeli town of Sderot—not far from
    Ariel Sharon’s northern Negev ranch ...MAJOR ARMY ACTION IMMINENT {caps not
    The Israeli cabinet met this morning and decided to give Palestinian
    Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas one final chance to immediately halt the
    rocket firings before ordering the army and air force into imminent action.
    PA leaders continue to partially justify the rocket and terror attacks as an
    “understandable response” to supposed Israeli aggression... MORE SIGNS OF
    CIVIL VIOLENCE {again - caps not mine} ... As internal conflict engulfs the
    Palestinians, Israelis are closer to serious civil strife than at any other
    time in my two and a half decades living in the land.

    {Closer than ever, he says -
    yes, it is all closer than ever}.

    ...religious ruling issued last Friday by two of Israel’s widely respected
    former Chief Rabbis for all soldiers to disobey government orders to seal
    off the quaking strip. ...this past week’s sharp escalation in violence
    here, coming in the wake of the atrocious terrorist bombings in London, have
    only reinforced my sense that something really big may be brewing.

    {Although I greatly appreciate
    Nolan´s reports -
    I was not aware that he also feels that
    "something really big may be brewing".
    I independently reached that conclusion -
    weeks ago".

    Oh great.
    I can´t seem to get this finished.
    This now just in.

    Sharon Closes Gaza - Residents Clash with Soldiers - Hamas Clashes with the
    "Palestinian Authority":
    Following the suicide bombing in Netanya, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
    Sharon decided to close off the entire Gaza Strip as well as sections of
    Judea and Samaria (Thursday) to everyone except residents.
    Anti-disengagement activists flooded to the area and attempted to enter the
    Gaza settlements. Residents clashed with soldiers at the border crossing.
    They pursued entrance through the roadblock and began yelling slogans such
    as "Jews do not deport Jews" and "This is not a ghetto, we can enter our
    homes if we want to." While the residents have had to deal with all this,
    they are also coming under deadly Qassam rocket attacks from "Palestinian"
    terrorists. Meanwhile, Hamas and the "Palestinian" Authority continue to
    clash as they compete for power over the area. The spiraling situation is
    causing speculation of an all out civil war in Gaza between the "P.A." (who
    has declared a state of emergency) and Hamas ....

    I have to quit.
    I am at the end of my word count.
    Things will now be happening faster
    than I can report and analyze them.

    Peace and love,
    [email protected]


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