''If not, how could it be enforced that he should "never have...

  1. 88,131 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''If not, how could it be enforced that he should "never have been near a gun" ?''

    there should have never been any guns allowed in the house -

    in developed societies - it should not have to be that laws are broken to remove guns from a residence.

    It merely has to be that complaints are made or investigations into something are made - and there should be a mechanism to remove guns 'just in case'

    we have that in Australia with DV - where plenty of females lodge a complaint - no charges are ever laid, no evidence is required - but, by law, guns are taken away from the 'alleged' person, their gun licence removed. - 'just in case'

    if America was a person - personally, I think it should have a VO violence order made against it and ALL guns be removed.

    they are nothing but walking mental cases
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