nasty!!! - and i wonder who supplied...., page-23

  1. 831 Posts.
    The BBC has always been a tool for propaganda and misinformation from the time of the independence of the colonies calling everyone from Gandhi to Lee Kuan Yew, communists and terrorists. Sir Winston Churchil, the syphllitic earl of Marlborough who was an innerberate alcoholic and to some degree a great leader when silent, was never the man who made the famous speeches "We'll fight them on the beaches..." it was later revealed. It was a BBC actor who made the 'speeches whilst Winston was laying Lady Harriman the high class woamn for rent he later married.

    The BBC is an effective tool for the purpose of propagating the interests of the British. That in itself is not a crime. I only wish others paid more attention to the spin of their own causes.

    The Al Queida was made in the USA. Thats a pertinent point to always remember when discussing these issues. Afghanistan was the strategic retreat for Pakistan created during the time of William casey under Regan. If the Indians attacked, Pakistan being much smaller in size and narrower with a hostile Iran to its western flank would need to withdraw, regroup and harrass. Afghanistan was cultured, nurutred and armed to the teeth with any semblance of democratic government or groupings wiped out by the Taliban with generous help from the US through Pakistan.

    China who now are reputed to be succouring and offerring safe passage to Osama and His men would not partake in the stategic retreat concept because Pakistan is their concubine. Useful for some purposes but not in their home.

    The US remains the only country in the world that has used a nuclear weapon against its enemies in times of conflict. Japan in WW11 and Irak in 1991 in the 'Turkey shoot' (at least to the extent the evidence proves).

    The Al Queida are not the only ones with crude nuclear devices. Pakistan assisted the Taliban to acquire these 'suitcase' bombs designed by US scientists in El Alamo and the Naval test Centre in California. They were in 'trusted hands' meaning Pakistani generals who are believed to have sold some of these only to be released when they desire. Somthing like a rent a bomb.

    Benazir Bhutto's brother was murdered when he dipped his hand into the till of Libyan money in hard cash which arrived in a Paki Air Force Base in the early 1980's. General Zia Ul Huq sought his ass and he hijacked a place and went to Afghanistan. Having fled to Europe he met his fate in the hands of the Afghan secret service the Khad who slit his throat in his bath.

    No point taking sides in this conflict. You and I are dispensible commodities as far as the US and Britain are concerned. If Israeli's believe they are so precious they must have faeces in their brains. The US knows most of the plans of Hammas and never allow either side to overwhelm the other. Jews get killed like dogs on the streets of Israel whilst the rhetoric flows and photo opportunities are abundant for their politicians. No one can effectively stop the carnage. But yes we must continue with the propaganda we are gods people and that the other side are bad.

    Unless there is a strong enough movement against war, no need blaming any side for what comes out of it. We unfortunately are in everybody's sights today. Australia is a a much more dangerous place to be in now than it ever was in its history before Howard.

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