nasty!!! - and i wonder who supplied...., page-32

  1. 930 Posts.
    Gee Yak, you give up too easily.

    Winston Churchill did not sleep with Lady Harriman , nor did he have syphilis, mainly because, Lady Harriman was married to his father Randolph who was the one who happened to havethe clap.

    Secondly, the "fight them on the beaches" was first made in the House of Commons. Then replayed over the radio. The actor myth has been challenged and debunked.

    As for Afghanistan, it was becoming modernised under russian tutelage, albeit socialist, but where the house of cards collapsed was when, the russian stooge, staged a marxist coup,proclaimed that Islam would be a memory within five years under his socialist agenda.

    Now this upset the ragheads no end, they started their normal jihad garbage and the russians rolled in to support him. The yanks just added the balance by supporting his opposition. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend " scenario, also concerned that the domino effect would roll through Iran to the middle east.
    Now i dont remember the US supporting the Taliban , who were religious nutters from the Madrassas from Pakistan, in fact, in simple terms, i think the US supported the Mujahideen to fight the Russians,, who in turn, turned out to be thugs straight out of the trees, and who in turn were pushed out by the even more vicious and fundamentalistTaliban.

    Re the suitcase bombs, I find it strange that the suitcase bombs were US because the US never made them in any quantity and they do not exist in current stockpiles, unlike the russians who built heaps of them , then promptly lost some. The Chechens brag that they have 2 of the russian ones, but that remains to be seen.

    By the way there were no nukes at the Alamo, but they did make a few at los Alamos.

    Pakistan, In fact nuclear technology is available to any one who signed the NPPT, provided it was used for peaceful purposes, it was the Pakkies who developed their own nukes with the assistance of China, and exported the technology to NTH Korea in exchange for rocket technology.
    The really cute part is,Pakistan acquired an entire uranium hexafluoride plant for converting uranium into weapons grade material through the assistance of a ...uhoh......that great seeker of the truth........West Germany!!!
    Ach Du Lieber!!

    The rest of the story is just conjecture and not worth covering.

    One thing is for sure, its the Pakkies, Arabs and Nth koreans who are the loose cannons in this story and the best place to start cleaning out the rats nest is Iraq, before he gets them.

    Its time the others pull their heads in , or suffer the consequences. In fact, i may be so bold as to say, if the Nth koreans got too toey, i wouldnt be surprised if it was the Chinese who snap their neck rather than let them initiate a nuclear war.

    Chinas future is in commerce, with the US and Japan, not copping the radioactive fallout from a smoking pile of ash that was once Pyonyang.

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