We have always hitched our wagon to an external powerful force...

  1. 22,047 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    We have always hitched our wagon to an external powerful force rather than having the self confidence to use our strengths and develop independently. Historically we stayed on mother England's tit until the US emerged as the global leader between the end of WW1 & WW2
    and then we hitched our wagon on to Uncle Sams.

    Economically we were bound to mother England until the 30s when we started to diversify trade but it wasn't until after WW2 rhat it all happened.
    First we rode the Jap wave followed by the Korean minor wave and now we are being tipped off the mega Chinese wave by Uncle Sam.

    So where from here might you ask. Many beached surfers are calling the Indian wave already but the old surf board may be in tatters before that comes along.

    IMO, we are oblivious to the emerging military and economic power on our doorstep which is Indonesia. While we may snigger at the thought of Indonesia being a rising economic power, and with it, a rising military power , IMO we should think again.

    Just spens 5 minutes having a look at the forecast 20 top economies by 2030 which is just over 9 years away:

    See where Indonesia is positioned and Aus is not even in the picture.

    If we want to stay ahead of Indonesia militarily we simply have to stay ahead economically; history tells us that...eh?
    Historically & religiously Indonesia has a bone to pick with us:
    -Northern Australian waters were once Indonesian fishing grounds
    -We bloodied Indonesia's nose by tipping them out of East Timor# ; their traditional territory
    -We are agrivating them by supporting the Free Papua movement
    -We offended traditional Indonesian Muslims by fighting (invading) Muslim land in the ME.

    At present it may feel good by targeting Giant China & the CCP but all the CCP has to do in a few years time is to arm the Indos to the teeth
    and say; "There you go, bloody the Aussie nose as historic payback " and will Uncle Sam defend us? Perhaps yes or perhaps no.

    But wouldn't it be nice if we were capable of looking after ourselves both economically and militarily. That why I have been advocating
    that we industrialise now rather than wither on the vine later.


    IMO, Indonesia will wait for an opportune moment when East Timor is on the skids and Australia is engaged up to its neck in a US overseas War
    and it will retake East Timor and with it the Timor Gap Oil & Gas resources which neither East Timor or Australia has the lollies to develop and the
    Multinationals dont want the sink Billions into a long term project with this level of soverign risk .But of curse the Chinese would love access to this oil & gas.
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