national thump a rudd supporter day, page-17

  1. 47,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    Thanks for your feedback. Re your comment;
    "Why would you then support the government that is happy to waste billions of your hard earned money on all sorts of stupid schemes and getting us deep into debt. ..."

    Unlike Andrew Bolt's questioning of Kevin Rudd; that's both fair and open-ended enough to elicit a decent response.

    First, it needs to be noted that although I used to vote for Lou Lieberman in Indi, due to Sophie Mirabella I'll again be voting for an Independent. Nor should you confuse my total lack of confidence in and disgust with Tony Abbott's performance as Opposition Leader with support for the government.

    Taxpayers have every right to expect the best possible use of monies taken from them by government.

    When Kevin Rudd returned $900 cheques to people who had actually paid tax he was not wasting public money, he was returning it to them knowing full well that under John Howard private debt has rocketed past 155% of disposable income.

    Rudd acted to put prevent private debt levels killing the economy! That decision alone prevented countless numbers of people from defaulting on credit card payments and housing loans; something that would have then smashed our banking system.

    Pump-priming the economy by investing in core infrastructure programs such as the NBN, road and rail building and school refurbishment during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression was a master-stroke. It enabled our economy to storm through the worst of the GFC and its enduring aftermath.

    FWIW though; I do take issue with propping up a car industry that has not delivered, the continuation of that ridiculous baby bonus that encourages young girls to have babies, the provision of $5,000 subsidies to businesses buying imported SUVs and the ongoing level of welfare for the wealthy set in place by John Howard's Govts.
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