UPDATE 1-FACTBOX-Nations pledge aid after Asia disaster05:44,...

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    UPDATE 1-FACTBOX-Nations pledge aid after Asia disaster
    05:44, Wednesday, 29 December 2004

    (Updates contributions)

    LONDON, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Aid agencies struggled on Tuesday
    to cope with the scale of the Asian tsunami disaster which has
    killed more than 59,000 people, with the International Red Cross
    saying it may have to treble its appeal for funds.

    The following is a list of contributions pledged, compiled
    from reports by Reuters bureaux and United Nations agencies.

    AUSTRALIA: Four air force transport planes with supplies and
    medical specialists sent to the western Indonesian island of
    Sumatra. $7.6 million committed to international relief effort.
    Two 15-member emergency medical teams and 12-strong team of
    police bound for Phuket.

    AUSTRIA - Pledged 1 million euros ($1.36 million) in aid to
    the countries hit.

    BELGIUM: Belgian military plane due to stop at Dubai to load
    most of its cargo; UNICEF aid such as tents, vaccines.

    BRITAIN: Plastic sheets and tents worth 250,000 pounds
    ($481,500) sent to Sri Lanka. Giving 370,000 pounds to EU aid
    effort and $100,000 to World Health Organisation.

    CANADA: Initial contribution of 1 million Canadian dollars
    ($814,300) to appeal for some $6.5 million by the International
    Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

    CHINA: Offering 21.6 million yuan ($2.6 million) of aid to
    India, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Maldives.

    CZECH REPUBLIC: A plane sent to Sri Lanka with drinking
    water. Officials said aid worth $444,400 would be sent.

    DENMARK - A UNICEF flight from Copenhagen with 45 tonnes of
    supplies, including oral rehydration salts and medical supplies
    to serve 150,000 people for three months. 10 million crowns
    ($1.82 million) put aside quick relief.

    EUROPEAN UNION: Ready to release up to 30 million euros on
    top of an 3 million euros already allocated to IFRC.

    FINLAND - Pledged 500,000 euros of aid to the IFRC. Local
    aid organisations contribute another 75,000 euros. The Finnish
    Red Cross has sent a field hospital with 15 staff to Sri Lanka.

    FRANCE: Foreign Minister Michel Barnier in Sri Lanka to go
    to Thailand Wednesday, 100,000 euros earmarked for rescue
    efforts, 16 rescuers sent to Thailand and 10 tonnes aid to Sri

    GERMANY: Germany doubling its emergency aid to 2 million
    euros. German air force medical evacuation plane to set off for
    Phuket and two more planes chartered to take disaster relief
    teams, medicines and consular officials there. Germany's largest
    utility E.ON to donate 1 million euros.

    GREECE: Offered Sri Lanka medical assistance, with 17
    doctors and staff.

    ISRAEL: Medical team sent to Sri Lanka and another to
    Thailand. Military search and rescue team due in Sri Lanka held
    up by coordination problems.

    ITALY - Two Hercules aircraft to be sent, one to Sri Lanka,
    one to Thailand.

    JAPAN: Some $30 million in aid pledged and three navy
    vessels sent to Thailand to help rescue survivors.

    KUWAIT: Aid supplies worth $2 million pledged and $100,000
    immediate aid sent. NETHERLANDS: Contributing 2 million euros to Red Cross-Red
    Crescent appeal, plus participating in EU aid programme.

    POLAND - Government earmarked 1 million zlotys ($336,100)
    for Polish NGOs involved in relief.

    SINGAPORE: Contributing some $1.2 million to global effort,
    military medical teams and supplies ready to fly to Indonesia.

    SPAIN: Sending first aid and sanitary equipment to Sri
    Lanka. One million euros promised for aid and planes.

    SWEDEN: Two communications specialists sent to help U.N.
    relief efforts in Sri Lanka. Sending tents and communications
    equipment to the Maldives. Swedish Red Cross to contribute
    $750,000 to IFRC appeal.

    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Pledged $2 million in aid and its Red
    Crescent society will donate 30 tonnes of food, blankets and
    clothing to earthquake victims to be transported over this week.

    UNITED STATES: Plans to provide an initial $15 million in
    aid and $100,000 each already released to India, Indonesia, Sri
    Lanka and Maldives. Three patrol aircraft sent to assess damage.

    -- Three U.S. military disaster relief assessment teams,
    each numbering 10-15 people, departed for Thailand.

    -- U.S. Pacific Command to send at least six cargo planes
    with relief supplies including food, clothing and shelter.

    flying from Kenya to Sri Lanka carrying 105 tonnes of supplies
    for basic needs of 50,000 people hit by the disaster.

    IMF: Intends to provide assistance, but no specific pledges.

    UNHCR: Initially distributing $380,000 of non-food relief
    items, including 23,500 plastic sheets for shelter, 24,500
    plastic mats, clothing, towels and 20,000 kitchen sets.

    UNICEF: Distributing clothing and 30,000 blankets and
    sleeping mats in Sri Lanka, 1,600 water tanks, 30,000 blankets,
    medical supplies and hundreds of thousands of water purification
    pills in India. Similar supplies heading to Indonesia and

    U.N. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: Provided $100,000 each to Sri
    Lanka, India, Indonesia, the Maldives and Thailand to help
    assess damage and coordinate emergency needs.

    U.N. POPULATION FUND: Earmarked up to $1 million and extra
    staff to help health needs of pregnant and nursing women.
    ($1=.5192 Pound)
    ($1=1.228 Canadian Dollar)
    ($1=.7386 Euro)
    ($1=2.975 Zloty)

    (For more news about emergency relief visit Reuters AlertNet
    www.alertnet.org email: [email protected]; +44 207 542 2432)

    ((Editing by Jon Hemming; e-mail:
    [email protected]; telephone: +65 6870 3852,
    Additional writing by London Editorial Reference Unit))

    (c) Reuters Limited 2004
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