Bombshell NYT Expose Details War Crimes By American-Led...

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    Bombshell NYT Expose Details War Crimes By American-Led Volunteer Force In Ukraine

    Via ZeroHedge

    The last many weeks (or even months) of Ukraine coverage by mainstream media has seen a major shift. One might observe that Western reporters are actually starting to do their jobs for a change, and digging into to ‘inconvenient’ truths and stories which a year ago no outlet would have touched amid the general pro-Kyiv euphoria.

    A military correspondent with The New York Times has issued the newest bombshell report this weekend which shines a spotlight on not just Ukrainian troops but American and foreign fighters who’ve volunteered with pro-Kyiv forces and have committed potential war crimes. The report, titled Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit, reveals how US troops are participating in units which conduct extra-judicial killings of Russians who have legitimately surrendered.

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