Mrs H has, for the first time been told to get her BP down a...

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    Mrs H has, for the first time been told to get her BP down a little and I can see the Doc's point, although it is not dangerously high. So I am back reading.

    Both nattokinase and V K2 are extracted from fermented natto, a healthy food eaten by the Japanese. The enzyme, kinase, is a blood thinning product good to take before long flights to help prevent DVT. But it is good for heart and artery health too, lowering BP, similar to an aspirin a day but healthier.

    V K2 is also extracted from natto and it is hard to eat enough deep-green vegetables to get the daily minimum dose and is not included in most multivitamins. It is important for both artery health and osteoporosis an ailment that has me scared after I saw how it wrecked my MIL's body. It is important because it regulates what happens with your dietary calcium. K2 promotes the deposition of this calcium in your bones, [don't forget the strontium and V D3] NOT in painful spurs and build up around joints and [I'll put this in bold] prevents it from depositing on artery walls, causing hardening.

    I have been taking nattokinase "sometimes, when I think of it" for a year or so now and my BP is good and I have not taken the second prescription drug for a month now. I going to take kinase regularly for a while and try to reduce the Avapro to half a tab.

    This is not health advice, I am totally unqualified to give that, but a heads-up about two interesting dietary supplements.
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