Hi BowralThe alien seeding idea goes back to the Bible stories...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Bowral

    The alien seeding idea goes back to the Bible stories of the nephilim, Zechariah Sitchin wrote about it going back to the Sumerians.Probably makes as much sense if not more than the isea of evolution creating life from inanimate matter. Point out the obvious problems and get labelled a religious nut.Very scientific ha ha!It's all about belief systems and are you one of us or one of them.Another interesting book is "The Facts of Life" by Richard Milton, a non-religious English science journalist.Seems he was thrown out of universities where he was previously welcome when batting for the team,when he started asking awkward questions.Made an interesting point to illustrate the absurdity of random mutation creating incredible complexity.Think of a caterpillar that spins a cocoon, turns into sludge then reconstitutes itself as a butterfly or moth.All by random mutation? Yeah, sure.

    "the inquisition for questioning accepted thought is alive and well though,this forum attests to that lol"

    The reactions here are pretty mild.The moderation keeps it civil, all good.Main problem is it's best to be reasonably brief and therefore not always easy to put out nuanced posts especially if one isn't a fast typist(like me).Not the same as chatting in person over a beer though,I'd be banned in 5 minutes for all the usual thought crimes lol.

    It's quite interesting to watch how ideas move through society . Ideas have impact only for a certain timein a certain context.The currently dying AGW story is a case in point.Self interest+confirmation bias in a fuzzy field + religious/idealistic impulse to save the world+big $$$ on the sidelines+a bit of free floating anxiety= mass movement of sheep demanding to be slaughtered. Thankfully it seems to be falling apart but no doubt will be replaced with something new.The "War on Terror"ia also dying, though that one is a bit more dangerous as a police state mentality has grown up on it. cheers
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