@Oldtimer46 if we all had kept fighting for our homeland, we'd...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    @Oldtimer46 if we all had kept fighting for our homeland, we'd all be back in Africa.
    The world has seen the march of mankind from 'out of Africa' over thousands of years. Initially a trickle of mankind left Africa on foot, moving north, along water sources, crossing over near Israel into the Arab peninsular, moving along its coastline (where there are still fresh-water springs near the shoreline) and into India, Australia - Asia. Europe was eventually populated by the relentless move westwards from out of Asia - and it is still going on.

    You check the DNA of any middle European and you'll find evidence of earlier migratory peoples - the present movement of different nationalities is immaterial, as essentially they are all the result of similar migrations and they are much closer related than their ridiculous nationalism will allow them to admit.
    The Jewish people do deserve a homeland after what happened in Europe, but somehow - to me anyway - it seems the former 'locals' see the modern state of Israel with all the help it is getting from the United States, as a 'foreign body' - a 'colony of the American Empire'.

    I used to think - after having met and talked, and made friends with a young Israeli delegation (they all lived and worked in Kibbutzim) at a Youth Festival in Vienna in the 1950s, that Israel would become a model state, helping the surrounding countries to progress. Sadly, this has turned into the exact opposite.
    I believe the countries surrounding modern Israel see Israel as an extension of the former settlements and arbitrary border delineation the British Empire made, only now the coloniser is the new super power, America, and Israel is seen as an 'American' colony and power base, where the interplay of international politics is a dangerous side act, possibly providing the dynamite for a greater conflagration.

    On a lighter note: If the Israelis didn't see themselves as 'foreign' to their neighbours, they wouldn't take part in the yearly Eurovision song contests.
    BTW: I have Jewish friends, had Jewish benefactors, teachers for my children - one of whom has gone back to Israel to live and she recently lost a son-in-law in the fighting. So my heart is heavy for both: the Israelis and the Palestinians.

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