nbn co posts $932 million operating loss, page-17

  1. 24,709 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    watso, the reason the report wasn't released was it wasn't finished, it was only a Draft report.
    The claims about a completed report being ready for release was only ever political fluff.

    Pelm1, the 2010 forecast is obsolete, and was based on a speedier conclusion to the Telstra deal and ACCC approvals etc.
    The Telstra deal was only finalized last year, which is when the updated Corporate Plan was drawn up.

    Since then Telstra have not been able to hand over their pits and ducts as scheduled, which has impacted on when the NBN co has been able to begin work in those areas.

    Below is some Misc. info. that seems to be conveniently ignored by those opposed to the NBN.

    The first stage of the roll out only began last year, and there is a 12 month construction turnaround from the time the shovel hits the ground and when customers can connect.

    Telstra, Optus, etc will be migrating all their customers over to the NBN infrastructure, so anyone who wants a fixed line connection will be connected via the NBN.
    Obviously short term take up rates are not indicative of the end take up.

    The NBN is a user pay system (a business), ultimately the NBN wholesale price will reflect the cost of doing business.

    The earning capacity of the real NBN is far greater than the Libs NBN.
    $2,400 "extra" revenue per connection over 10 years based Telstra's current prices.

    The whole lot is all hypothetical anyway, as the Libs have already started the process to ensure Australia is kept in the dark ages with our communications network.

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