excelsior the doomsayers do seem to mostly just echo the old...

  1. 24,370 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    excelsior the doomsayers do seem to mostly just echo the old political arguments, instead of making an informed opinion of the information that is available.

    Cost benefit can be easily justified with a little scrutiny.
    Even just getting a 1% to 2 % savings on welfare payments by creating employment opportunities in previously low job opportunity areas would pay for and justify the cost of the NBN.

    excelsior Turnbull has estimated the end value of the NBN at around half it's cost (around $20 billion), obviously it was a bias estimate by Turnbull.

    snakepitt because the Telstra agreement has only just been finalized, the NBN has only just started the first stage of the roll, (3 year roll out plan has only recently been released).

    makattack I'm sure you know the difference between retail and wholesale, so your Telstra comparison is not valid.

    Are those that are claiming FTTH is not going to be profitable claiming that FTTN will be profitable?

    What is the cost difference between FTTN and FTTH, is it $5 billion or $10 billion over 10 to 15 years?

    makattack what savings do you think will be made doing FTTN instead of FTTH? Keep in mind additional costs, street cabinets, maintenance, and the NBN not owning the copper that will be cut.

    Also what will it cost to upgrade or replace the FTTN in ten years?


    Real life story, a receptionist for a company in Texas mans the reception desk from home due to having access to a decent communications network in that area. No traveling to work, don't even need to live in the same state to work, she even enjoys a cuppa with work mates during a break, all from the comfort of her own home. (Next World-Discovery Channel)


    Electricity, Water, etc. utility companies will use the NBN connection to all households for smart grids.

    Almost every home will be connected to the NBN to utility smart grids.

    Even the Liberal state Premiers are trying to get a bigger share of the NBN roll out in their state, so they also understand the importance and the benefits of the NBN.

    The NBN will also reduce carbon emissions in a few different ways.


    Which makes more sense to do for Australia?

    1. $36 billion building infrastructure that benefits Australia.

    2. Paid parental leave payments that will cost more than the NBN for no benefit to Australia.


    The NBN

    Another monopoly just like our Highways and Roads.

    Open access just like our Highways and Roads.

    Benefits just like our Highways and Roads.

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