AU1 0.00% 1.8¢ the agency group australia ltd

nco investor presentation, page-2

  1. 9,126 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 568
    tukebay - it is interesting that they've stated 25m shares at 20c... they must have this placed already. they wouldn't say that if they were negotiating a bog-standard placement, and there's no brokers would commit to 20c with the stock at 16c.

    so I wonder to who? cornerstones from the NGEx/Lundin side, negotiated as part of the asset purchase, or Ilkin's connections?

    probably not Ilkin's, because it'd be for less than 20c, again we're trading at 16c. so my money is on pre-arranged NGEx/Lundin side cornerstone investors. If it is, that's great, more credibility, more backing, more safe hands.

    Also getting Demetrius Pohl and the country manager looks good too. great for deposit/permit/program knowledge and continuity

    but "Sanu Resources the 100% owner of the Hambok Project in Eritrea"... no 10% govt free carry??

    Gizard - Aradaib? much better intercepts eh?

    this all looks pretty good. lets hope the market comes to think so too.
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