neck and neck-newspoll- abbotts gooone!, page-29

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    I've Had my Last Waltz With You (?)

    Good morning seer I am back
    And now I'm gonna have a crack
    At the prediction made in your last post
    That the Libs will have them all on toast.

    Before I start let me say
    I've not set out to spoil your day
    I sincerely hope I don't break your heart
    By pointing you to the latest chart
    But the facts are what we need to face
    In the looming election race.

    As some of us have oft predicted
    The Liberal future as depicted
    By many a poster on in here
    Are little cause for Liberal cheer.
    The fundamentals are not there
    So please see fit to grab a chair
    Sit down for me and have a listen
    As to why their future will not glisten.

    To Tones the voter will not take
    Because they see him on the make
    They are looking for so much more
    Than your Tony has in store.

    To the voter things are not obscure
    And if a polly is to lure
    The voter over to his side
    The truth he must not try to hide.

    But this is one of Tony's faults
    As he asks with him that we waltz
    And all to sing along in tune
    I'll be PM very soon.

    You see, the voter thinks this pretty rough
    Simply put it's not enough
    They are looking for more than this
    And all see something is amiss.

    So now we have the latest chart
    Its showing Aussies as very smart
    They can clearly see a phony
    And now they are discarding Tony

    And so for the Libs its question time
    Because for them things are not fine
    Instead of a win they be led
    Their prospects now look good as dead
    There is a chance, though very slim
    Simply put - get rid of him!
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