neck and neck-newspoll- abbotts gooone!, page-5

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Yes he certainly will be watching his back lol.

    Mistyrains I am surprised but Julia Gillard has withstood an unprecedented level of attack involving smear and innuendo of a malicious nature.

    She has responded powerfully to the attacks and has now moved on in a dignified way and continuing the important work as Prime Minister of Australia.

    As I say, I am surprised because I believed no-one could withstand such unprecedented attack.

    Whatever side of politics one supports Julia Gillard is to be respected for not caving in and it looks like the general public is warming to her persistence and strength. She is the preferred PM over Abbott and now her government has jumped to level with the coalition and she could well go on from here.

    Julia Gillard is now looking confident and resolute while Tony Abbott starting to look ragged and shaky.

    While Abbott remains , Julia Gillard, woman of substance, will have his measure.
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