neck and neck-newspoll- abbotts gooone!, page-69

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Sad when people have such low personal standards as to what is expected of our public servants in terms of THEIR integrity, they actually take delight in defending instances of lying and deception from them - yes, they crow with delight when evil triumphs - as it is obviously doing, as this latest poll shows if it is to be believed. ARE people THIS stupid they want to inflict four years more of this hopeless rabble on us? ONLY because THEy happen to barrack for them - no matter how bad or rotten their "players?" The answer sadly must be yes they are! How shallow and vapid and easily duped our citizens must be if they see this current regime as "good." Let alone worthy of yet another term of more lies, failed policies, and economic destruction.

    The only entities which can hold Gillard to any account, (And she should be being held to account over it) should current allegations about her past, and that of her then lover Bruce Wilson, progress to be brought to a prosecutable stage of charges being able to be laid, are our official Australian Investigatory and Legal Systems - events thus examined ending up in a Court of Law. But I dream. That is what we'd expect in a democracy. But the, the dog ate the paperwork. And lucky for some, no charges likely to ever be brought. Lovely, isn't it! We must even speculate as to whether or not there may be some alleged officially driven alleged "cover-ups?" If so, then by WHOM? In this, and the Thomson and Slipper issues. Dragged out forever - all of these - yet if it were you or I would be done and dusted years ago.

    We now seem to have the ugly prospect of someone not only surviving, but thriving, thumbing her arrogant nose at us all, still self-promoting and oozing arrogance on a basis of trying to conserve a career based on either outright lies, and/or additional alleged lies - and overseeing Machiavellian smoke and mirrors stunts with regard to Australia's economic health, and the actual wishes of the public - who want a vote NOW!

    The lies being the Carbon Tax ruse foisted on the voters on election eve - and the vile and vicious deliverate ploy of labelling of Abbott as being a misgoynist -filthy stuff - and we're supposed to "like", ;et alone "respect" this woman?

    Yes, slanderous defamation which Gillard indulged herself with under coward's cover of House of Representatives, and her speech of hate filled vitriol, a speech which, had her friend the Speaker Burke done her job properly, she should never have been allowed to indulge herself in. So off topic was it! If one of ours and attempted it - they'd have been thrown out. and as she made it - her mates Oakeshott and Windsor were in the Slipper office twisting the Slipper arm. How devious and low! What was the vote for, then?

    So now, it seems, the (shallow, vapid, chattering) women's Twittering vote seems to be convinced that a lie is the "truth" - men are generally "hateful and misogynist" if they can find any chinks - and that Abbott IS what she viciously claimed he was - yes, again SHE lied to stay in power - lied about portraying him as such - and herslef DEFENDING a misogynist. IS it her luck Aussies seem to be THIS stupid?
    But it's paid off big time. John McTernan must be absolutely crowing this morning. The Scotman brought in by her to do a "destoy Abbott's reputation" job. And the woemn have fallen for this duplicity! Idiots?

    Yep. McTernan Ecstatic. Some "victory" - him directing a campaign of lies and filthy defamatory personal abuse. (Himself smug in some darkened Labor "back room", now no doubt dreaming up the next abuses.) There are names for people of his ilk - none of them repeatable on here.

    A regime of smoke and mirrors - and a farcical facade based on lies and deceits and MP's greed for power and limelight - not one of them with a mind or a will of their own - just an army of Labor sycophants - doing what each days e-mail decree tells them to do. Never mind the populace and what's best for them. What's best for the Labor Party - no matter how vile the means- sums up their methodology.(and it's getting more and more Marxist and Dictatorial- the more the lies take hold).

    The indicates to me that we only ever get the Government we deserve - and the world at present seems to be sick, sick, sick. Government by Twitter and Facebook - and deceptions - and hugely clever dodgings of responsibilities, honor, integrity, and above all, TRUTHS!

    If a regime thrives and it's leader survives, on a cracked and rocky foundation of deliberate lies, and under shadow of the most serious allegations re. past conduct, plus alleged cover-ups relative to their political pals, then not much has changed on this earth since the days of Roman and other pagan savageries -

    I hate and loathe having a leader - male or female - whose whole daily agenda is so run by personal hatefilled vindictive vileness - who thrives on personal attack - and who has an army sitting behind her almost all of the same ilk. Anger written on her face - all day - every day. A woman on a mission - a mission which is not directed at OUR happiness - but her own.

    If you feel that another four years of this regime is to be beneficial for Australia - the good luck to you.

    Reminds me of the old gladiator contests - when the people paid to go in and bayed for blood. Anyone who spoke up in protest at the bloody carnage and cruelties usually ended up in the arena themselves. A vile and abominable regime. Yet the plebs cheered! THEIR "team" was winning, That's all they cared about. Made THEM feel self-justified and smug - others' suffering abominablly. REad about it now and you hardly believe it. Wonder how the reads about Gillard?swan and crew in the far future will come across?

    Yes, the team cheats - but it's supporters think nothing of it - as long as they win. Truth and integrity and fairness and decency and principles and rules - what the hell are they?

    We're truly becoming dog eat dog. Tragically, when good men see evil and countenance and overlook lies - and DO nothing - in fact encourage and some to love and tolerate and overlook evil - to the detriment of their fellow citizens' welfares -then we as a democracy have had it. It's time to mourn. For this USED TO BE a great country. Our people used to have brains - not so easily led and brainwashed. But not any more!

    The Leftists who saturate our schools and Universities have done a good job on our young - almost all of them, now, staunchly Labor - successfully "recruited" and captive audiences of the Leftist educators.

    Gillard said it herself - resisting a rise in age pensions in Cabinet - and how despicable - she said "Old people don't vote Labor!".
    (Last time I looked they still breathed, ate, paid bills, paid rent or home repairs and perhaps mortgages, kept up health insurance to help HER health system, shared HER earth, and paid the taxes which pay HER salary.) Charming!
    A female Prime Minsiter who supported full term abortions in Uni, and who now shows NO respect for the older generations pr their rights. (THEY being the ones who worked hard all their lives and built this bleeding country up to the stage it's at now - others just walking in the front door to enjoy all the benefits the oldies have made possible, many of which THEY, the Aussie borns, do not get! One of them being the respect and consideration they have earned! The new entrants get all the kudos and the goodies and all the support and legal help to highest levels - Greens and QC's fall all over them - whilst OUR old rot! Yes, she begrudges the old? Always an angle with this woman.
    Of course asylum seekers will ALL vote Labor too! Their gravy train!

    Is there ever any moment of any day when she actually DOES give damn about anyone other than herself and her own self-preservation? No - IMO.

    No, this woman doesn't give two hoots about any of us. And people will STILL vote her in?

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