neck and neck-newspoll- abbotts gooone!, page-96

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    now this is an absolute first - for I'm actually praising Gillard up -

    suggest "they" set up a sideline outfit - name suggestion
    "Gillard, Swan, Emerson, McTernan, Plibersek, Macklin, Burke, Roxon, Shorten, and Wong, and Associates". did I overlook anyone - there's a whole bench full.

    no, not a law firm - but a Marketing company - brilliant at what they do. Our little sideline's motto -

    "You, too, can demolish and slander and ruin the reputation of YOUR business,political, commercial, social or political enemy/enemies. We guarantee it."

    Takes one speech - No win - no fee. And any incriminating paperwork, if people are so stupid that it does in fact still exists, allegedly avowed by some that it's taken care of by us in the "conveniently disappeared" department - hehehehe - (but that's OUR trade secret) so that we're actually invulnerable. In fact, we're the best! (Our scouts can even anticipate an imminent raid in twenty paces, our opponents allege.! If so, and they're proven right, it's not THAT hard!)

    For others in history have inspired us, have determined that filthy lies and personal slander, under cover of Parliament, DO work wonders!

    And that, with the help of Parliamentary Privilege, you can say what you like, about anyone and their family, whenever you damn well like. And the good thing is, m,any out there actually believe it! Oh, and BTW - we'll be specialising in stunts!

    In fact, seems female voters are so stupid and easily manipulated, (sadly for them - great for "us) being dopes and the easily empty headed misguided, who can't "read" a REAL situation for love nor money, as so many of them are proving via the latest polls, that we, with sleight of hand, can even win you an election! Perhaps even a boardroom coup! We've had THIS massive win - and there'll be more enemies to attack!

    New recruits invited to apply. Who are these newies - Windsor - Oakeshott? - never heard of 'em. But it's said they're likely lads. So let's interview 'em. Albanese reckons they're great! Now whwre's their CV's? Going to be a real money spinner - this little offshoot marketing company.

    God we're brilliant.

    as for Good triumphing over evil and all that drivel - well sometimes it does not. And the evil-doers are actually the ones who win. Digging up dirt pays well is OUR motto. And thus, the way of the world. And Christ died.

    Another FOUR years of this putrid farce - I'll be dead - or in the madhouse.

    Hooray I hear the Leftists shout!
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