Marcko - I got the same yesterday - I think it was called...

  1. 56,616 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 267
    Marcko - I got the same yesterday - I think it was called Virusheat with a trojan attached (high pressure advertising through a rogue security program). It hijacked my homepage and security settings and issued many pop ups. I tried Spybot, Adaware etc and I cam across another Malaware program that pruported to fix it which it did temporarily but then it came back. It's a horror and a very new one that others ill come across - I ended up going into SAFE function (F8) while the machine was loading then re-coniguring back to a date where the virus was not present.

    This episode reminded me of the so called Aussie skier who wona gold medal in the Winter Olympics then fled the country back to Monaco (LOL) or Canada who was a young spware king. Bloody criminal IMO.
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