need some property ideas, page-5

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    geez warnie, sounds like those property spruikers that were around 2000... I had one of the supporters come to me, said she would like to give me about 20,000 less and pay it in 1 year,,,,and in the meantime she would like to do some renovations (no experience ever), she got quite nasty when I said no...........and I thought the bank might not like me handing over the property, when the bank had the title and a mortgage on it...........also I said it would be subject to CGT, and I would not like to pay the CGT if I had not received payment..........nor did I want to continue with the mortgage repayments for another year.......oh and I would probably get more money next year than now, and it would settle in 30 days etc........better deal for me........and what if the thing fell over, and I did not want to pay for the renovations the other party did ?????
    ps never heard of this in Vic or nsw.......heard silly stories about that normal in WA ???

    no lets give the kids some really good advice........probably 6 months before the market turns back up, and interest rates go down........there will be bargains out there.....other people hurting from interest rates. they will have to sell or the bank will do it for do it clean, buy at a discount......look and you will find........
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