Need to censor adverse vaccine events, page-134

  1. 391 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Apologies to other members of the forum.

    I dont normally stoop to name calling etc but this poster has really aggravated me with such a lack of empathy and respect for others. Basically stating they don’t care what happens to others as long as enough people get the jab so they can go out to drink beer and smoke etc.

    Irrespective of your stance of the “vaccine” can anyone really agree with the notion that hiding all adverse effects from the population is for the common good?

    One cannot believe everything they read on the net etc, but nor should they automatically discount everything that doesn’t fit their beliefs or political agenda.
    We should be better than this.

    If you wish to get the jab go ahead, I have never had a problem with that, its your choice.

    Others including myself are more wary and would like more information before committing to a rushed and unknown substance.

    Others including myself have had first hand experience of injury and death of friends and loved ones and do not deserve to be labelled “anti vax conspiracy theorists” just because they exercise caution.

    If any vaxxed person thinks they are in danger because someone else is unvaxxed then they cant have much faith in the vax then can they?

    The average survival rate across all ages for covid is still between 97% and 99 %.

    With this in mind no one should not be forced to choose between their job and getting an injection that has both known and unknown results.
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