NEG dissent?, page-10

  1. 14,237 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    The energy security board have used modelling that states their draft NEG would produce a 2% difference in the carbon abatement for the electricity sector compared to doing nothing. That's 2% over 10 years or 0.2% per year.

    There is new generation in the pipeline already. Actually the NEG would be good for some existing coal fired generators as it could provide a further incentive to invest in plant expansion and upgrades.

    The NEG modelling that they are relying on already includes forecast electricity price reductions independent of a NEG agreement.

    I believe that any large reduction in future power prices would be dependent on some of the measures that the ACCC report recommended being adopted.
    The report quantifies the amount of extra profit that existing coal fired stations in some jurisdictions have made after the recent closures of coal fired stations that were brought forward.
    Gas generators had rises in line with the extra cost of their fuel while coal generators enjoyed windfall profits above the increase in coal prices.

    I see some MP's want a mechanism to regulate prices.
    Last edited by pugsley100: 16/08/18
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