NEG dissent?, page-8

  1. 10,415 Posts.
    The only things the National Energy Guarantee [N.E.G.] will actually guarantee are:

    - higher energy prices
    - a more unstable and unreliable energy supply
    - the de-industrialisation of Australia as more industry moves offshore to countries who buy our coal and burn it.

    It is a tax on CO2 by stealth. In the past few years our energy target doubled - so did energy prices. Prices move in lock-step with higher targets.

    We should withdraw from Paris - or just ignore it like everyone else - scrap renewables subsidies, scrap imposts on heavy emitters, build some High Efficiency Low Emissions coal fired fired power stations - like everyone else is - and get Australia moving forward again, instead of sitting around like a bunch of lotus eaters paying homage to Gaia.
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