Whether NG is a goog thing or not depends on the timeline of the...

  1. 10,494 Posts.
    Whether NG is a goog thing or not depends on the timeline of the Great Aussie housing crash and whether you now hold or are out. For property bears, NG is now a very good thing - it's just that most don't know it yet - almost all see NG as the culprit driving up prices - but will soon realize without which we also will not have a mega housing crash of a century (a multi-generation event) built upon years of years of debt induced price inflation based on a myth of perpetual capital gains and little risks.

    NG has served many very well over the last decade (except for the last 2 years where prices have started to stagnate and has been falling since - and plunging in many areas - not that you would know if you religiously follow the mickey mouse hedonistic bullsheet house price data from that mob). Any investors who bought in the last few years now doing their sums would know that are losing money big time even with the ridiculously self-serving assumption that prices will flatline or fall moderately as the spruikers and agents would have you believe.

    If it weren't for NG, we wouldn't now have a herculian nubmer of investment properties in Australia (2.4 million) of which the vast majority of them are owned by people of average income (around $80,000 GROSS and much less NET).

    NG will soon be NOT blamed for house price inflation but will be blamed for bringing the HOUSE down on the Aussie economy and the banking system.

    To not get out now would be absolute financial suicide and wealth destruction.

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