I would not agree with "the Book says that God chose you to rule...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    I would not agree with "the Book says that God chose you to rule over all of the world ...".

    The Hebrew Bible explains how God chose the descendants of Abraham to produce the Messiah and during this time the Israelites were given special protection. However they never were a major power; when they asked for a king God warned them of the cost (1Sam 8:10-18) .

    The Christian/Greek scriptures describe how the Messiah arrived and God's blessing was moved to the Christian congregation. It also told that the Christian congregation would be corrupted and now there are an estimated 10,000 sects claiming to follow Christ. We read nowhere that Christ asked for money but some sects have become extremely wealthy. Christ said to his disciples "You received for free; give for free".

    Many sects have allied themselves with monarchs and even blessed armed forces. The UN has been described as a modern day expression of Gods Kingdom bringing peace to mankind; this seems satanically inspired.

    The Bible starts with humans placed in a paradise which they wrecked. The theme of the Bible is the paradise restored by a just government referred to as God's Kingdom or the Kingdom of the Heavens with Christ playing a key role. Gen 3:15, Ps 37, Isa 32:1,2, Dan 2:44.Matt 5:3. Matt 6:9, Rev 21:3-4.

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