Neil Young appears senile like Noam Chomsky, page-8

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    Chomsky has been rejected by peace activists particularly since 9-11, when he condemned the alternate theories. he also supported the international (ISIS) intervention in Syria. the fact Al Qaeda have flourished since 9-11 and have been the ground troops (in Libya, Syria & Iraq) for USA interests shows 9-11 is very questionable. if Al Qaeda really did 9-11 then the USA would have wiped them out. but Al Qaeda still exist bigger & bigger in places where the USA wants to destroy another country. see videos:

    in the video you posted, the totalitarian arrogance of Chomsky is clear when he said discussing/debating Auschwitz degrades one's humanity & is not open to debate. he then uses the Auschwitz rationale for taking a totalitarian position on the Vietnam War

    the reality is the Vietnam War cannot be compared to Auschwitz. there are many aspects of Auschwitz that can be discussed (but i won't go into them, here)

    i gotta to go the beach now but i listened to up to 7 mintues of your video. Chomsky was destroyed by the other guy who rightly called Chomsky "intolerant" and called out his contradiction when Chomsky opposed destroying Vietnam yet approved of destroying Germany

    Chomsky is called "controlled opposition" by peace activists. for example, he continued to promote a two state solution for Palestine-Israel, which is a nonsense and only kicks the can down the road. the only solution for those 1.5 million Palestinians that remain in refugee camps is to export them to other countries, such as to the USA, who can take them. every time a Jew leaves the USA to settle in Palestine and steal a Palestinian home, a Palestinian should be offered immigration to the USA. this is an example of a humane approach

    i have been connected to lots of peace activists over the last 10 or more years. they basically universally reject Chomsky

    Last edited by ddzx: 30/01/22
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