Not sure how others out there deal with the above in the...

  1. 9,382 Posts.
    Not sure how others out there deal with the above in the workplace - after two years of hell I put my foot down and walked away. I could have pursued management and set a right wrong but I copped it and looked the other way until my foot was out the door.

    The irony is in my new role i still have to work with the creeps I left behind.

    Disillusioned with the corporate world - how do people sleep at night when they witness abuse with no limits. I just don't understand - Some Managers think they are above the law and no-one has the guts to stand up to them. I witnessed a horrific incident and reported it - what followed was 5 months of professional inteference- sustained undermining - I became the new target.

    Just interested in other peoples experiences

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