Netanyahu has committed crimes against humanity - who knew?, page-180

  1. 470 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 426
    Jesus Christ may have hung out with criminals on either side during his crucifixion, but being seen by three witnesses chit-chatting with Moses the "con" man at his transfiguration???
    Hope I'm not standing beside you during the next electrical thunderstorm.
    Btw those el-Amarna Letters sure do make for a dull read compared with the Old Testament stories of how the Hebrews conquering Caanan became the Israelites living in Judaea and Samaria ie. Israel , became the Jews living in the modern state of Israel.
    LISTEN all who have ears. The only good thing about arab Muslims living in Israel is this: in a nuclear age (which is with us for the foreseeable future), the arab presence, with their usurpatious mosque sitting on the temple mount (the third holiest site in mohammidism - gimme a break because ya can't get from the arabian peninsula to Jerusalem over night in the 600's ad and Aisha said her hubby never left the house so Mohammed never got to Jerusalem) will soon be the only thing standing between Israel and some crazy Iranian Ayatollah with his finger on a brand spanking new big red button. (and Iran will get the bomb thanks to the EU/ Nato expansionist morons pushing Russia, Persia and China closer together)
    Who says theology has no relevance to our present circumstances?
    I pray to God each night I'll wake in the morning to see my wife and children.
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