Speaking of Perth Airport, what a bloody disaster. The huge...

  1. 8,233 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1173
    Speaking of Perth Airport, what a bloody disaster. The huge redevelopment happening now, apart from being 20 years too late, is just a massive patch up job. A chunk stuck on there another chunk stuck here. A private company has been running the airport for many years and in my opinion have totally botched the job. They've spent their time building carparks and now because of the exorbitant long term fees, the numbers of taxis have exploded and the traffic is at a standstill and the carparks are mostly empty.

    The Gateway project has nothing to do with the company running the airport, thank god. The state government is majorly frustrated with the airport redevelopment because it's a complete shambles. The third runway which the government has been pushing for for many years hasn't even started. In my opinion, the federal government needs to boot them out and give it to someone with vision. W.A.......Wait Awhile.
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