We now want the security that comes with manufacturing but we...

  1. 1,836 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    We now want the security that comes with manufacturing but we let the Auto Manufacturing Industry go. Seemed a folly at the time and to me, it still seems a folly today. Yes the industry had some miss steps but Toyota was going great, building good cars for our market. No I wouldn't expect Abbott to have lifted a finger, it never works out well to have somebody that is unfit for the job in any role where their judgement makes an impact on outcomes.

    We have a bad Government, there is no ICAC to keep it in line and proceedure is used as we have all see to thwart any investigation that can negatively impact this bungle prone Federal Government and bog it down so as to make it pointless and frustrating in many cases. Good Government would never have botched or tried to play to their perceived support base by grossly over reacting to the Australia Post watches and never back a later proven illegal Robodebt scheme both show how deeply flawed the judgement of this Federal Government is.
    There was absolutely nothing of national benefit to be gained by the way the Federal Government acted in either case, infact it did considerable harm to those negatively impacted and it came at considerable expence to the taxpayer. In both cases insight was non existant. I'm not saying Labor are alot better but I doubt both of those examples would have played out the same if we had a half decent Federal Government. Though Labor certainly have their hand dirty over the Australia Post watches for which I'd like to see Albanese replaced as Labor leader.

    Personally and I'm sure you would agree, we can do better and as I see it the more we put up with from dropkick politicians who are unfit, the more we enbolden them to do more harm as they cling to an office they should never hold in the first place. We have some genuine decent people with good judgement in our Parilament just not enough of them.

    That's my bit for today.

    Stay safe.

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