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New blog! Programme Update, page-159

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 708
    Respect buddy, i work in mining and I’m heavily involved in OH&S. I enjoy it.I know off people who have said companies outside mining don’t like taking on people who come from mining, due to all the red tape from safety they bring with them. I can see we’re your coming from. I wonder if the Premier wore Steele caps? Maybe the gentleman is a foreigner and laughed at how precious this country’s codes are? I see tradies regularly not wearing PPE in Perth. Some not even wearing harnesses when working at heights, some even using bins as witches hats ect, ect . You tend to pick these things up, when your involved daily at work these issues.

    I know Dunlop do a Steele cap casual shoe, maybe their is a market for Steele cap formal shoes! Lol!!
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