EMH 0.00% 14.0¢ european metals holdings limited

With less that 1M dollars in the box and around 5M dollars cash...

  1. 1,767 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166

    With less that 1M dollars in the box and around 5M dollars cash burn per year, new money will be needed very soon.

    I am predicting a 4 to 5 million CR at 20 cents (11 pence).

    They will also need money for the DFS in 2019 that shouldn't be less than another 5 to 10 million.

    Some how this will see 15 cents (8.5 pence) within H1 2019, at which level a position should worth the risk.

    Last edited by astavrou1: 21/12/18
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