new king hit law

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Love the idea of introducing harsher punishments for a king hit. I remember watching the story of a young gold coast kid who was out celebrating his birthday and for absolutely no reason in the world, another young adult king hit him. Now the victim of the attack has permanent brain damage and needs round the clock care. Naturally, it has devastated the family and it was sad to see a young fit and healthy kid have his life ruined.

    I am 100% behind any laws that punish people for such a cowardly act as an unprovoked king hit. I fully support it as long as it only punishes those who "king hit" through unprovoked attacks. That is the key in my books.

    However, i hope the law realises there is always going to be a grey area. We are being naive to think that this law will stop young males from fighting. Wherever there is alcohol, there will always be isolated fights. I just hope the law doesn't always necessarily classify a first punch as being a king hit.

    I use Benji Marshall a few years ago as an example. He is slightly intoxicated, goes to McDonalds with his girlfriend. A group of blokes/wankers take it upon themselves to have cheap shots at a sporting celebrity. However, instead of targeting Benji, these "heroes" decide to target his gf. They use derogatory and offensive language towards Marshall's gf and continue to do so outside of McDonalds. Marshall, who is slightly intoxicated, does what any decent man would do and defend the honour of his gf. He pushes the main perpetrator.

    Now, what happens if the main perpetrator pushes back and then Marshall punches him and that punch kills him instantly. Under the law, Marshall of course should face some form of punishment. However, should Marshall be punished more harshly than normal under the "king hit" or "one punch" law?

    My understanding of this new law is this would not constitute an unprovoked attack. Correct ??????

    However, I am all for having the harshest possible punishment for any person who punches someone if it can be found to be unprovoked. The "king hit" is for cowards and although it happens all too often in Australia, i think it is very unAustralian.
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