new poll...rudd is dead in the water in qld, page-3

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    What I don't understand is that if the tax was so good, why was it not put in to effect immediately, the same way that tobacco tax increases used to be. Overnight.

    Instead Rudd is telling us he will do this or that, - insulting all and sundry, - which is spectacularly arrogant considering that the people will have an election before its implementation in 2012. He cannot be assured that he will deliver the tax, because he does not know if he will still be the PM by then.

    The uncertainty he has created is far more damaging than the tax will be. The posts about the details are just fiddling around the edges. Who said what, or who's fault something is, is just irrelevant twaddle.
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