RES resource generation limited

Cheers Criss,I will wait to call until after the meeting to call...

  1. 2,994 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Cheers Criss,

    I will wait to call until after the meeting to call im still worried about a few things.

    Access to funding, coal offtake agreements, timetables ect.

    Sure hes put in 2 million but now wants it back with 30 million free shares!! So hes not losing plus hes on 400k a year it think.
    I thought that the original option package was still ok as the wernt due till late 2010,so if he couldnt get the SP up to 20cents by then well theres a problem somewhere

    Did he have any plans for after the consolidation because like you i dont like them as the share price tends to drift down without any news.
    I do favour this stock over all the other coalers in the area because of Paul Jury and what he brings to the company.

    This is definitely a long term play and lots of things have to go right, i hope they do.
    Heres to a better 2009.
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