NCM 0.00% $23.35 newcrest mining limited

So .... half yearly profit to end of calendar year 2008 may...

  1. 9,081 Posts.
    So .... half yearly profit to end of calendar year 2008 may exceed a 15% increase compared to the corresponding period last year.

    That may be a conservative statement.

    One wonders how much ADOVE a 15% profit increase there will be given:

    * the significant increase in the POG;
    * Telfer production being ramped up;
    * Other production increases;
    * An end to the after effects of the Varanus Is. gas supply disruption (was NCM compensated for this disruption?;
    * cheaper energy costs in line with falling oil prices

    The future has never looked better for NCM

    2009 will see NCM breaking above its all time high - sooner rather than later ... imo.
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