MilesgAllow me to quote your pearls of wisdom."First off I will...

  1. 284 Posts.

    Allow me to quote your pearls of wisdom.

    "First off I will not give my opinion of someone who claims not to be a professional quoting something like APES 110"

    Ah, but you do! To paraphrase you, "only Accountants can quote APES". Does that mean only lawyers can quote the Legal Practioners Act?

    "If you are really an accountant, but ashamed or embarrassed to admit it"

    I am not an Accountant, nor can I prove a negative. I do enjoy arguing with Accountants, however. Mainly because - like you - they tend to think they know more than they do.

    They are also tend not to argue matters on their merits. Instead, they resort to accusing other people of intellectual dishonesty. Just like you perpetuate the notion that I rely on Google, even though Google is entirely unsuitable for the topics of my interest.

    "And there is no way in even in a wild way out there application of the code has it IMO been breached."

    I know as well as you do that section 150 is meant to curb advertising. I have already acknowledged the want of actionability. However, I also know that unprofessional conduct in a public place is - surprise, surprise - not to be encouraged!

    I am also familiar with the Joint Accounting Bodies you mention.

    To be fair, when I have previously mentioned "accounting degrees" I meant to include post-graduate university accounting qualifications.

    You have erred in suggesting that TAFE diplomas suffice for the NIA. To attain full membership of the NIA with a TAFE dip, you need to undertake post-graduate university study.

    Pleased to help.
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