LTR 0.00% 58.0¢ liontown resources limited

New TA/Charting, page-254

  1. 4,333 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1262
    No. Wrong again. I posted the bearish scenario quite clearly.

    If I wasn't confidant why did I buy more shares today, after we bounced of 9.5c?? LOL!! You have no idea what;s going on do ya mate??

    I'm only posting charts again, because the pattern probability is now high again.

    When the charts have wishy washy patterns that are 50/50 what's the point of bothering to post them? All it will do is scare 50% and make the other 50% buy in = NO VALUE in any way shape or form to anybody.

    Your chart's on the other hand are far lower than 50% chance, which makes them ridiculously low in terms of probability percentage = what makes a chartist good or bad. Everyone can see this via your AGY charting+holding that went from 30c down to 6c(my biggest loss EVER is approx 30% btw if you want a direct comparison) and you were bullish the whole way through...



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Mkt cap ! $1.407B
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58.5¢ 60.0¢ 57.5¢ $5.348M 9.165M

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15 467970 57.5¢

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58.0¢ 4892 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 16/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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