new terrorist dead!!!!!, page-49

  1. 831 Posts.
    You have have quite correctly identified the most dangerous outcome of the advernterism of the west (Australia included) in its uneven handed one sided captive policies in the middle east, driven by a sense of guilt, Mcarthysim, and bullying by powerful Jewsih interest to which we are all mere pawns.

    Saddam Hussein from 'Dictator and Tyrant' is fast developing into a latter day Hero of those without a voice especially in the West from where there is undoubtedly clandestine support.

    Amongst the Middle Easterners her is now a demi god. Amongst all of the other people that have sufferd humiliation,degradation and domination by the West he is the symbol of what to do to the west.

    But all of that aside, The United States is now desperately searching for an answer to their idiotic tyranny inthe middle east. A Way out. Speeding up transfer to the Chalabi clique whom the Jewish American Lobby will now drop like a hot potatoe and the rest of the US will ignore.

    They will pass the baton onto the Greedy pig and walk out. They have lost. This is worse than Viet Nam. The Turkish assault on the Synagogue s another symptom of a war which has dragged all of us into which we ddo not deserve.

    Untill and unless the West will show courage and try Kissinger, Wolfowitz, feith, Perelman, Cheny, and yes Albright and Bush, there will be no let up.

    For gods sake, we are talking of a peope so motivated by their humiliation and degradation for the last 55 years
    they have lost their instinct for self preservation and survival that they are prepared to take as many of us with them in suicide attacks.

    John Howard and his clique must be tried in the most humiliating and degrading circumstances, publicly flogged or dragged naked in the streets piled with human faeces and hanged for dragging us unwillingly into the radar of worldwide Islamic Militancy whihc we will never recover from without a visionary at the helm.

    The media who willingly ran all of the hype for a fee should also be identified individually from the packers and murdochs and brought to justice.

    I wait with baited breath for the next big attack. And it follows logically that Australian diggers will be the next target. I only hope the attacks do not occur in Australian soil.

    Stop calling people terrorists when i actual fact they are combatants. Women and children were never a consideration for the Americans or Israelis' not even now. Don't echo their sentiments and enrage the Islamic militants any further. We should midn our own business. If we can't do any good we should not therefore assume license to do something bad.

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