new terrorist dead!!!!!, page-55

  1. 831 Posts.
    re: fg .. new terrorist Is that why former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzahk Shamir made a pact with Adolph Hitler before the end of the war?? to obtain supplies against Arabs and to encourage Jews to leave Europe to fulfill Jabotinzski's dream of Zion??

    Terrorist??who killed Yitzak rabbin?? who Bombed the King David Hotel, Who armed Apartheid, Who armed Galtieri and Trained Pinochette's secret police, Who trained the brutal Savak and repressed the Iranian opposition> Who is it that sold Arms to Iran in the Contragate affair??

    You would sell your mothers if they werent' as ugly believe me.

    All you are doing is encouraging the spread of the rage to have World War 11, its reasons and origins re visited and questioned. I am not totally satisfied about the ant Hitler propaganda or the reasons for extermination of the Jews. Jews themselves were complicit in the extermination of Jews in the Holoucast.
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