New York New York, page-43

  1. 439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    So what Orson? Not that I care. You are the problem - not the solution. Not the solution to anything. But you know that. You are just a tool. The world will do what it does. Some sing the wrong tune. Others don't. Right and wrong - are focal points, that very often - are mirages. Remember that. I think you have more years left than me. You will certainly feel your errors in a painful torrid life to come. It would be sad, if I cared. But death liberates everyone. Even you. Your values and hopes will die - before you do. But you are a cheerleader for ideals which your leaders have never had - and that will always be so. You will remember this post. When the sad day comes. Been on the edge a couple times, but came back. You should be so lucky.
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