do you know the meaning of the words...

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    "Stammel?" or "stamin?" "stamen?"
    It's a coarse woollen clothing fabric usually dyed red.

    The origins of this word lie in the underclothes of self-flagellant
    or ascetic monks of medieval times. It evolved from "stamin", for a
    coarse cloth made of worsted, at first used to make undergarments
    that seem to have been halfway to hair shirts in their purpose.

    "Stamin" is the same word as "stamen", which immediately makes us
    think of the male fertilising parts of flowers. In Latin a stamen
    was a warp thread in a loom. It was also the name for the thread
    that was spun by the three Fates Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos at a
    person's birth, on whose length depended his vital strength and so
    how long he would live (it is also the source of "stamina", which
    is just the Latin plural of "stamen").

    Later on, "stamin" became the usual name for a kind of woollen or
    worsted cloth that was used for outer garments as well as curtains
    and the like. It was particularly associated with Norfolk and the
    word was modified to "tamin" or "tammy".

    "Stammel" went its own way, though it remained a coarse woollen
    cloth, a type of linsey-woolsey. Stammel was usually dyed red with
    madder. For this reason, it was also used for the colour, which was
    considered inferior to scarlet. Red was thought to be a healthful
    colour, hence the belief almost down to the present day that to
    wrap a weak chest in red flannel was an excellent preventative.

    It was a lower-class cloth, a mark of poverty or inferior status.
    Thomas Middleton's The World Tost At Tennis of 1620 has a character
    disparagingly note, "Yonder's a knot of fine, sharp-needle-bearded
    gallants, but that they wear stammel cloaks methinks, instead of
    scarlet". The Little French Lawyer, a play by Francis Beaumont and
    John Fletcher, published the year before, includes the lines, "I'll
    not quarrel with the gentleman / For wearing stammel breeches."

    The material was most often used for women's petticoats; the link
    with low-class female attire was so strong by the late eighteenth
    century that Francis Grose noted in his Dictionary of the Vulgar
    Tongue in 1785 that it was slang for "A coarse brawny wench".

    Saturday 2 February 2008
    Sent each Saturday to at least 50,000 subscribers by e-mail and RSS
    Editor: Michael Quinion, Thornbury, Bristol, UK ISSN 1470-1448 US advisory editor: Julane Marx

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