newbie is sick of bad manners at agms

  1. 168 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    Here's my rant. As a relatively new shareholder, at the AGMs of ASX companies that I go to, I am getting sick of seeing people pigging out on the food afterwards at morning tea that's there, like they've never seen food before - with no manners or regard to anyone else.

    It's like "stuff you Jack I'm alright, I'm grabbing the last three pieces of the my hands". It was like watching pigs at a trough. Some of them go and shove food in doggy bags for later, I mean - how povvo is that ?!

    Would these people act like this at home or at a party ? I don't think so.

    What is it - is it because no one knows other people there so everyone just acts as such with no table manners ? I feel like slapping some of them, I am so incensed with watching their greed and bad manners.

    For Pete's sake, SHARE and only take what you're actually going to eat there and then.
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