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you seem to know a bit about this, the director has mentioned...

  1. 1,628 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 590
    you seem to know a bit about this, the director has mentioned use of these old reservoirs as CO2 storage as well and has been mentioned in the presentation. This is currently one of the best methods to store CO2 by products.

    hovarth is a just a consultant you are right, but they will be providing access And communications to these big companies who are Clearly interested and will then allow access to bigger government funding (of which the EU has committed 150BILLION euros towards these 2025,2030 and 2050 targets)

    This is something that can be done relatively cheaply and quickly due to all the infrastructure nearby. Making this an extremely feasible and exciting option no?
    Last edited by ThePennyChemist: 23/01/21
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