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News: AlgaeTec showcase facility visit from The H, page-35

  1. 6,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2852
    re: News: AlgaeTec showcase facility visit fr... Hello Sdajl. Thanks for you post.

    To refer to a few points running through the paragraphs,
    Firstly, i always consider posters posts point by point, some points may be right or well supported, some incorrect or poorly supported.

    Next I can see some sense to the argument that certain things are easier to research, fund or publish at certain times than others. Nobody would disagree that big tobacco got away with murder (literally) as did James Hardy for many years. Pre internet years though, the world is a much more literate, informed and accountable place now than in the times of our ancestors.
    To generalize and give an opinion (all most of us can do) I would say its easier to get funding for studies when you have big money behind your argument. There must be far more money in big industry and big government for keeping the status quo and not changing pollution levels than there is for abatement IMO. The green movement has grown but big industry is huge. Look at the biggest 100 corperations on the planet, none of them are green groups, many, indeed most are big polluters.

    You are right ST climate change is untestable (though it could be argued what we are doing right now is one big experiment). My problem being if man is causing what turns out to be what is unrectifiable climate change what then? Sorry kids we just wrecked your planet and screwed your future, whoops! It would be funny if it wasn't potentially so sad.

    "I was told here by so called experts" referring to climate change rates.
    I never called myself an expert, you are making things up. Ive never seen anyone call themselves an expert here. I said I had read extensively on the subject, it doesnt make me an expert, I have read extensively to topics from the Metaphysical poets to sports to vegetable gardening to Impressionistic art, Im not an expert on those topics either, but have informed opinions. Being a scientist you would recognize the difference, I certainly do.
    Again if you have some links to peer reviewed science supporting your assertion that climate change rates have exceeded the current many times before I would enjoy sharing the links.

    Your other points are more of a general nature and I can't comment on how other people view things, I don't really know what the general consensus is in or outside the scientific community. I only know for certain what I believe is likely and what actions I am prepared to take to ensure against the risks of human climate change, land degradation and extinction rates etc.

    There is large scale interest in CO2 emission control, including in some cases from industry itself, this is a large bonus for AEB I believe.

    Found your previous career in ancient animal species interesting, why did you stop? Lack of funding is always an issue for the Unis here and I suppose in industry too. Science spends much more on skin and hair science than on curing many diseases that cause great suffering, its all about the money, which I guess is understandable but sad in a way.

    You left us with a bit of a hanger, the predicting the collapse of civilization in your lifetime? You have to tell us from what now you have gone that far. Is it one of those hideous diseases that are close to morphing into something we cannot cure. Our resistance to antibiotics don't help. Social collapse, an asteroid, what, do tell, this sounds interesting?


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