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Originally posted by Mallyrock:
What a fantastic announcement to quieten the deceitful and disgruntled among us! When you consider that the long term objectives of AMG’s strategy haven’t changed and are still on track to deliver, the jargon expressed by ‘downrampers’ and bitter holders over the past several months has been opportunistic. That’s because they’ve conveniently played within the stagnant period that exists between material announcements. Meanwhile as the company works behind the scenes to process information, develop procedural documents, secure agreements, assess market conditions and generally play the ‘bigger’ game, it allows for negative sentiment to manifest unabated. Genuine criticism and on message analysis is important for healthy discussions. But all stocks are easy targets and vulnerable during idle periods. So it’s not usual to find the downrampers at their most prolific during that time – Hotcopper is riddled with them. Nevertheless, with this latest announcement management has provided the lucidity we astute holders have aways felt was coming. So here’s to healthier discussions and accordant stock values.
I suspect them downrampers have accumulated well in the meantime! I added a bit to my position - my view was that there was little downside but a lot of upside and the downrampers supported that view!
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